Minggu, 13 April 2014
Mafia II
"Mafia" is immortal: the long-awaited continuation of the famous gangster saga from the creators of the original game - a new immersion in a ruthless and intriguing world is full of thrills. Mafia II is created on a specially developed graphics engine, allowing sponsors to embody all of the most daring ideas, and say a new word in the genre, which defined the canons of the first "Mafia". Classical elements - shooting, fighting, moving around in various forms of transport - have acquired an unprecedented scale, and the game world has become truly limitless. The protagonist of modern history - Vito, the son of Italian immigrants who grew up in poverty and powerlessness. Since childhood, he learned that the Mafia - the only path to wealth, and respect for the rights of its provisions, and not wanting to languish, full of hardship, as her fathers existence, decided to become a gangster. The criminal career of Vito and his sidekick, Joe begins with petty theft and car theft, however quickly they will rise to higher levels of the criminal ladder. And then it turns out that real life tough guys are not as cloudless as it appeared in the boys dreams.
Be a gangster. Vivid images of credible, strong story and great presentation - it all allow you to feel the drama and unpredictability of the relationship between mafia clans and those in them is.
Forget peace. Thrilling car chases, violent fights and frantic shooting - a combination of these elements provides a rich and varied gameplay.
Living in the metropolis. With the latest graphics engine Illusion Engine ™ players can explore a vast world, without wasting time waiting for the next boot: a stroll through the picturesque streets of Empire Bay, covers an area of over 25 square kilometers, or go inside the buildings and enjoy an elaborated interiors.
Learn America. Cars, advertising, clothing - all the signs of American life 1940-50-ies, recreated as accurately as possible, changes over time in the game in accordance with the historical realities.
Play the classics. A selection of the best songs the mid XX century will immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the American golden age.
System requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Pentium D 3Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ (Dual core) or higher
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: nVidia GeForce 8600, ATI HD2600 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available
Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse or Windows compatible gamepad
"Mafia" is immortal: the long-awaited continuation of the famous gangster saga from the creators of the original game - a new immersion in a ruthless and intriguing world is full of thrills. Mafia II is created on a specially developed graphics engine, allowing sponsors to embody all of the most daring ideas, and say a new word in the genre, which defined the canons of the first "Mafia". Classical elements - shooting, fighting, moving around in various forms of transport - have acquired an unprecedented scale, and the game world has become truly limitless. The protagonist of modern history - Vito, the son of Italian immigrants who grew up in poverty and powerlessness. Since childhood, he learned that the Mafia - the only path to wealth, and respect for the rights of its provisions, and not wanting to languish, full of hardship, as her fathers existence, decided to become a gangster. The criminal career of Vito and his sidekick, Joe begins with petty theft and car theft, however quickly they will rise to higher levels of the criminal ladder. And then it turns out that real life tough guys are not as cloudless as it appeared in the boys dreams.
Be a gangster. Vivid images of credible, strong story and great presentation - it all allow you to feel the drama and unpredictability of the relationship between mafia clans and those in them is.
Forget peace. Thrilling car chases, violent fights and frantic shooting - a combination of these elements provides a rich and varied gameplay.
Living in the metropolis. With the latest graphics engine Illusion Engine ™ players can explore a vast world, without wasting time waiting for the next boot: a stroll through the picturesque streets of Empire Bay, covers an area of over 25 square kilometers, or go inside the buildings and enjoy an elaborated interiors.
Learn America. Cars, advertising, clothing - all the signs of American life 1940-50-ies, recreated as accurately as possible, changes over time in the game in accordance with the historical realities.
Play the classics. A selection of the best songs the mid XX century will immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the American golden age.
System requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Pentium D 3Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600+ (Dual core) or higher
Memory: 1.5 GB of RAM
Graphic: nVidia GeForce 8600, ATI HD2600 Pro or better
Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
Hard Disk Space: 10 GB available
Peripherals: Keyboard and mouse or Windows compatible gamepad
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size 5.7 gb
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Sabtu, 12 April 2014
Buku Tamu
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Selasa, 08 April 2014
100 Nama Asli Artis Indonesia Ternyata Lucu lucu
Seperti yang kita sama-sama tahu nama artis Indonesia keren-keren dan sangat marketable. Padahal, kalau dilihat nama aslinya, ternyata tak sebagus nama bekennya malah lucu. Namun begitu, ada juga artis yang nama aslinya lebih keren dan lebih bagus dari nama tenarnya, misalnya Komeng nama aslinya Alfiansyah. Ini dia …cekicroot!
1. Ade Rai = I Gusti Agung Kusuma Yudha Rai
2. Adjie Massaid = Chandra Pratomo Samiadji.
3. Agung Yulianto = Ki Joko Bodo
4. Agus Hadi Sujiwo = Sujiwo Tejo.
5. Amara Lingua = Tuwuhadijatitesih Amaranggana.
6. Aming = Aming Supriatna Sugandhi.
7. Andien = Andini Aisyah Hariadi.
8. Annisa Bahar = Ani Setiawati. Wikikikikikikikikikik.
9. Anya Dwinov = Anya Dwinovita Pahlawanti. Biar dibilang Indo-Rusia gitu ya?
10. Apoy (gitaris Wali Band) = Aan Kurnia
11. Arzetti Bilbina = Arzetti Bilbina Huzaimi Setiawan
12. Audy Item = Paula Allodya Item.
13. Aura kasih = Sanny Aura Syahrani
14. Ayu Azhari = Siti Khodijah
15. Aziz Gagap = Muhammad Aziz
16. Bams Samsons = Bambang Reguna Bukit. Om-om banget yeee.
17. Bella = Laudya Chintya Bella
18. Bimbim Slank = Bimo Setiawan Almachzumi.
19. Charlie ST12 = Muhammad Charlie Van Houtten
20. Cheche Kirani = Hetty Sobari
21. Chicha Koeswoyo = Mirza Riadiani.
22. Chrisye = Krisman Rahardi.
23. Cici Tegal = Sri Wahyuningsih.
24. Cut Memey = Decy Meilani Susanti
25. Deddy Corbuzier = Deddy Cahyadi Sundjoyo. Corbuzier-nya apaan tuh?
26. Dede Yusuf = Yusuf Macan Effendi.
27. Della Puspita = Nisisari Henny Puspita.
28. Dewi Persik = Dewi Murya Agung.
29. Dewi Yull = Raden Ajeng Dewi Pujiati.
30. Dhea Imut = Claudia Annisa
31. Dian Piesesha = Dida Diah Daniar
32. Dian Sastro = Diandra Paramitha Sastrowardoyo. Emang aslinya sudah kereeen.
33. Didi Kempot = Didi Prasetyo. Apanya yang kempot kalo gitu?
34. Dik Doang = Raden Rizki Mulyawan Kertanegara Hayang Denda Kusuma. Oh, ningrat toh.
35. Donita = Noni Annisa Ramadhani
36. Dorce Gamalama = Ahmad Ashadi. Wuakakakakakakaaa.
37. Doyok = Sudarmaji
38. Eddy Brokoli = Edi Hidayatullah
39. Eko Patrio = Eko Indro Purnomo.
40. Eno Lerian = Dwi Retno Rahastri Lerian.
41. Evie Tamala = Cucu Suryaningsih
42. Faank (vokalis Wali Band) = Ferry Farchan
43. Gogon = Margono
44. Gusti Randa = Yungki Gustiranda.
45. Ian Kasela “Radja” = Samijan
46. Iis Dahlia = Iis Laeliyah.
47. Ikke Nurjanah = Hartini Erpi Nurjanah.
48. Indro Warkop = Indrojoyo Kusumonegoro.
49. Inul Daratista = Ainur Rokhimah. Lho, kok laen banget,..
50. Ira Swara = Wahyuni Irawati
51. Iwa K = Iwa Kusumantri
52. Iwan Fals = Virgiawan Listanto.
53. Jojo (Keong Racun) = Jovita Adityasari
54. Jojon = Djuhri Masdjan. Dari mana datangnya Jojon?
55. Julia Perez = Yulia Rahmawati
56. Komeng = Alfiansyah. Walah, ini lebih aneh lagi yak.
57. Krisdayanti = Kris Dayanti. Cuma beda pake spasi doang.
58. Maia = Maya Estianty.
59. Marshanda = Adriana Marshanda
60. Memes = Meidiana Maemunah.
61. Miing Bagito = Kang Tubagus Dedi Gumelar.
62. Moldy (gitaris Radja) = Mulyadi. Oooh… Mulyadi toh…
63. Mulan Kwok = Wulansari. Huuu….
64. Nia Paramitha = Pradnya Paramitha.
65. Nicky Astria = Nastiti Karya Dewi
66. Nike Ardilla = Nike Ratna Dilla
67. Nirina Zubir = Nirina Raudatul Jannah Zubir. Ambil depan dan buntut.
68. Noe (Letto) = Sabrang Mowo Damar Panuluh
69. Once = Elfonda Mekel
70. Onky Alexander = Dicky Alexander Heryanto Sapardan
71. Pak Raden = Suyadi
72. Parto Patrio = Eddy Supono.
73. Pasha = Sigit Purnomo Syamsuddin Said
Pasha Ungu, 100 Nama Asli Artis Indonesia [Ternyata Lucu-lucu]
74. Pepeng = Ferrasta Soebardi.
75. Polo = Barata Nugraha
76. Pretty Asmara = Nyokapnya Pretty ber-Asmaraan Ama Kudanil.
77. Rahma Azhari = Rahma Syahidah Azhari
78. Rhoma Irama = Raden Haji Oma Irama. Beneran nih.
79. Ria Irawan = Chandra Ariati Dewi Irawan.
80. Rita Sugiarto = Derita
81. Romy Rafael = Romy Tunggul Widodo (Rafaelnya dr mana?)
82. Roy Martin = Roy Wicaksono.
83. Sania = Siti Tuti Susilawati Sutisna.
84. Sule = Entis Sutisna
85. Tamara Bleszynski? Tamara Nathalia Christina Mayawati Bleszynski
86. Tarzan = Toto Maryadi.
87. Taufik Savalas (alm.) = Muhammad Taufik
88. Tessy = Kabul Basuki. Namanya juga pelawak.
89. Tia Ivanka = Artia Dewi Siregar
90. Timbul = Suhardi
91. Titi DJ = Titi Dwijayati.
92. Titi Kamal = Kurniaty Kamalia.
93. Titik Puspa = Sudarwati. Hm, jadi bingung.
94. Tompi = Teuku Adifitria
95. Tora Sudiro = Taura Danang Sudiro
96. Tukul Arwana = Rianto
97. Uut Permatasari = Utami Suryaningsih.
98. Winky Wiryawan = Nurayendra Irwindo
99. Wulan Guritno = ri Wulandari.
100.Yuni Shara = Wahyu Setyaning Budi.
Senin, 07 April 2014
9 Orang Muslim Yang Pernah ke Angkasa Luar
Puluhan astronot dan turis antariksa telah mengangkasa. Adakah di antara mereka yang Muslim? Jawabannya, ada. Hingga saat ini, sudah 8 Muslim yang pergi ke antariksa, baik bersama misi Rusia maupun Amerika Serikat. Siapa saja mereka? Berikut daftarnya:
Sultan Salman Al Saud
Sultan Salman Al Saud adalah mantan pilot Royal Saudi Air Force. Ia terbang ke antariksa dalam misi STS-51-G dengan pesawat antariksa Discovery. Ia menjalankan misi pada 17-24 Juni 1985.
Sultan Salman Al Saud menjadi Muslim pertama yang pergi ke antariksa. Ia pun memecahkan rekor sebagai orang termuda yang pernah ke antariksa, yakni pada usia 28 tahun.
Saat ke antariksa, Sultan Salman Al Saud bertugas menjadi payload specialist. Ia tergabung dalam tim beranggotakan 7 astronot, merepresentasikan Arab Satellite Communication Organization dalam memasang satelitnya, ARABSAT 1-B.
Muhammed Faris
Muhammed Faris adalah orang Suriah pertama yang berhasil ke antariksa. Ia sebelumnya adalah pilot di Syrian Air Force sebelum terpilih untuk berpartisipasi dalam program penerbangan antariksa Intercosmos.
Muhammed Faris terbang ke antariksa dalam misi Mir EP-1 dengan Soyuz TM-3 ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Mir pada bulan Juli 1987. Ia menghabiskan 7 hari dan 23 jam di antariksa sebelum akhirnya pulang dengan misi Soyuz TM-2.
Musa Maranov
Musa Maranov adalah seorang kolonel di Soviet Air Force. Ia lulus dari Moscow Aviation Institute sebelum akhirnya terpilih sebagai kosmonot pada 1 Desember 1978.
Musa Maranov terlibat dalam dua misi antariksa, tercatat sebagai salah satu astronot yang menghabiskan waktu terlama di antariksa, dan pernah melaksanakan 20 kali misi spacewalk.
Misi pertama Musa Maranov berlangsung pada 21 Desember 1987 hingga 21 Desember 1988, tepatnya selama 365 hari dan 22 jam. Sementara itu, misi keduanya berlangsung pada 2 Desember 1990 hingga 26 Mei 1995, tepatnya selama 175 hari dan 1 jam.
Abdul Ahad Mohmand
Abdul Ahad Mohmand adalah mantan anggota Afghan Air Force. Ia terbang ke antariksa bersama misi Mir-EP 3 dengan Soyuz TM-6 pada 29 Agustus 1988, menjalankan misi 9 hari di Stasiun Luar Angkasa Mir.
Selama di antariksa, Abdul Ahad Mohmand menjalankan beberapa eksperimen serta memotret negaranya dari antariksa dan membuatkan teh Afganistan bagi semua kru astronot.
Toktar Aubakirov
Toktak Aubakirov berasal dari Kazakhstan. Ia menjalankan misi ke antariksa bersama misi Soyuz TM-13 pada 2 Oktober 1991. Ia menghabiskan waktu sekitar 8 hari di antariksa.
Talgat Musabayev
Talgat Musabayev terlibat tiga misi ke antariksa, yakni pada misi Mir EO-16 dengan penerbangan Soyuz TM-19, misi Mir EO-25 dengan penerbangan Soyuz TM-27, dan misi ISS EP-1.
Total hari yang dihabiskan Aubakirov di antariksa mencapai 341 hari. Dalam misi terakhirnya, ia juga membawa turis angkasa pertama, Dennis Tito.
Shalizan Sharipov
Shalizan Sharipov adalah investigator proyek Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound in Microgravity. Ia telah dua kali pergi ke antariksa dan menjalankan dua misi spacewalk.
Misi pertama Sharipov ke luar angkasa adalah membawa 8.000 pon alat eksperimen bersama misi STS-89 dengan pesawat ulang alik Endeavour. Misi ini berlangsung selama 8 hari, yakni 22-31 Januari 1998.
Sementara itu, misi keduanya adalah bersama Expedition 10 ke International Space Station (ISS) dengan Soyuz TMA-5. Misi berlangsung selama 192 hari sejak peluncuran dari Baikonur Cosmodrome pada 14 Oktober 2004.
Pada misi kedua, Sharipov bertugas mendukung fungsional dari ISS. Ia juga melaksanakan beberapa penelitian termasuk ekologi Bumi dari antariksa.
Anousheh Ansari
Anousheh Ansari adalah orang Iran pertama sekaligus seorang Muslimah (wanita Muslim) pertama yang pergi ke antariksa. Ia terbang sebagai turis antariksa dengan Soyuz TMA-9 pada 18 September 2006.
Selama di antariksa, Ansari menjalankan beberapa eksperimen seperti mekanisme di balik anemia, bagaimana perubahan otot mempengaruhi sakit punggung, serta dampak radiasi pada kru ISS dan mikroorganisme yang hidup di tubuh pada kru.
Sheikh Muszaphar Sukhor
Sheikh Muszaphar Sukhor adalah orang Malaysia pertama yang terbang ke antariksa. Ia terbang dengan Soyuz TMA-11 pada 10 Oktober 2007.
Sheikh Muszaphar Sukhor terbang ke antariksa atas kerja sama dengan Rusia dalam program Angkasawan, setelah Malaysia membeli banyak pesawat Rusia, Sukhoi Su-30.
Di antariksa, Sheikh Muszaphar Sukhor melakukan beberapa eksperimen seperti pertumbuhan kanker hati dan leukemia serta kristalisasi beragam protein dan mikroba.
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